How Water Keeps Us Warm
Before life began, the Earth’s surface was blanketed with water. This abundance of water forms the foundation for carbon-based life to develop, diversify and flourish. Water is a raw material which enables organic life to grow. But in most situations, life consumes water only in its liquid form. If earth’s water only existed as ice or as steam, it is unlikely that life as we know it would flourish. The easy access of water and the predominant liquid state of water are necessary conditions for sustainable carbon-based life to exist.
Understanding the properties of water is key to comprehending how climate will change. The Other Greenhouse Gas serves to provide insight into these unique characteristics of water. With understanding, better decision-making will be the result.
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Our environment is a complex system. In an effort to comprehend how human activity impacts our environment, we need to understand those critical variables which influence that change. Water plays such a dominant role on our planet. Given water’s unique properties, it is very important to understand how water impacts and will impact our future. Hopefully the thoughts and ideas expressed here provides new insight to the subject of climate change.
In the spirit of continuous improvement, I welcome your candid criticism and feedback.
Geo. Brown